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DIN 2093 and GB 1972 比较:-

All requirements are identical except Raw Material and Load Tolerances

除原材料和公差要求不同外, 其它技术要求均一致.

DIN 2093 prefers Narrow Tolerances in Load requirements.

DIN 2093 对力值公差的要求更加严格.

DIN 2093 prefers to use Alloy Carbon Steel (50CrV4) instead of Plain Carbon steel (60Si2Mn or C-80)

DIN 2093 首选合金钢(50CrV4), 而国标采用渗碳钢(60SiMn 或C-80)

It is a High Quality Alloy steel over plain carbon steel because of Elements like Cr and V.

合金钢比普通碳素钢拥有更高的质量, 原因是加入的Cr元素和V元素:

 Cr adds strength to the material and V gives more grain refinement. (Fine Grain Size of 3 to 5)

Cr可增加材料的强度, 而V可提供更好的晶相结构.

 Toughness of this Fine Grained Alloy steel is better than Coarse Grained Plain Carbon steel.


Because of better grain structures, this material gives better results after Heat Treatment w.r.t. uniform Hardness.

由于更好的晶相结构, 合金钢在热处理后能够得到更好的性能,比如, 一致的硬度.

 Presence of alloy elements like V gives more stable microstructure.

合金元素,例如V, 的存在,使材料拥有更稳定的微观结构.

 Spherodized annealed structure adds ductility to the material as required for Cold Forming Operation.

球面退火结构增加了材料的延展性, 以便于冷成型加工.

 50CrV4 can be easily formed, blanked or shaped, heat treated, hardened and tempered. And hence mainly Intended for Disc Springs.

50CrV4 更容易成型、冲压或裁减和热处理, 因此更适合制作碟形弹簧